2024-12-21 02:30:00PM UTC


flyctl v0.3.52

==> Verifying app config
Validating /repos/bluegreen/fly.toml
✓ Configuration is valid
--> Verified app config
==> Building image
Waiting for depot builder...

==> Building image with Depot
--> build:  (​)
#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#1 transferring dockerfile: 2.77kB 0.0s done
#1 DONE 0.0s
#2 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/hexpm/elixir:1.15.7-erlang-26.1.1-debian-bullseye-20230612-slim
#2 ...
#3 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/debian:bullseye-20230612-slim
#3 DONE 0.3s
#2 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/hexpm/elixir:1.15.7-erlang-26.1.1-debian-bullseye-20230612-slim
#2 DONE 0.3s
#4 [internal] load .dockerignore
#4 transferring context: 1.31kB 0.0s done
#4 DONE 0.0s
#5 [builder  1/17] FROM docker.io/hexpm/elixir:1.15.7-erlang-26.1.1-debian-bullseye-20230612-slim@sha256:e7e2e55efdcdc2914f65b7e65ef82bbb47be654ec84bc7bfc5fa2cc3396fd9ec
#5 resolve docker.io/hexpm/elixir:1.15.7-erlang-26.1.1-debian-bullseye-20230612-slim@sha256:e7e2e55efdcdc2914f65b7e65ef82bbb47be654ec84bc7bfc5fa2cc3396fd9ec done
#5 DONE 0.0s
#6 [stage-1 1/6] FROM docker.io/library/debian:bullseye-20230612-slim@sha256:924df86f8aad741a0134b2de7d8e70c5c6863f839caadef62609c1be1340daf5
#6 resolve docker.io/library/debian:bullseye-20230612-slim@sha256:924df86f8aad741a0134b2de7d8e70c5c6863f839caadef62609c1be1340daf5 done
#6 DONE 0.0s
#7 [internal] load build context
#7 transferring context: 2.46kB 0.0s done
#7 DONE 0.0s
#8 [stage-1 3/6] RUN sed -i '/en_US.UTF-8/s/^# //g' /etc/locale.gen && locale-gen
#9 [builder 12/17] COPY assets assets
#10 [builder  2/17] RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y build-essential git     && apt-get clean && rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/*_*
#11 [stage-1 5/6] RUN chown nobody /app
#12 [builder  5/17] COPY mix.exs mix.lock ./
#13 [builder  6/17] RUN mix deps.get --only prod
#14 [builder 14/17] RUN mix compile
#15 [builder  3/17] WORKDIR /app
#16 [builder 16/17] COPY rel rel
#17 [builder 15/17] COPY config/runtime.exs config/
#18 [builder 17/17] RUN mix release
#19 [builder  9/17] RUN mix deps.compile
#20 [builder  4/17] RUN mix local.hex --force &&     mix local.rebar --force
#21 [builder 13/17] RUN mix assets.deploy
#22 [builder 10/17] COPY priv priv
#23 [stage-1 2/6] RUN apt-get update -y &&   apt-get install -y libstdc++6 openssl libncurses5 locales ca-certificates   && apt-get clean && rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/*_*
#24 [builder  7/17] RUN mkdir config
#25 [builder  8/17] COPY config/config.exs config/prod.exs config/
#26 [stage-1 4/6] WORKDIR /app
#27 [builder 11/17] COPY lib lib
#28 [stage-1 6/6] COPY --from=builder --chown=nobody:root /app/_build/prod/rel/bluegreen ./
#29 exporting to image
#29 exporting layers done
#29 exporting manifest sha256:a30503763ef2d47a82f7df8c4c2be1e3b3cbdd4cf4958460cf396e119c3ba7d6 done
#29 exporting config sha256:7a19b800614a89607a5a7a8551dd98cce2a7518eed71adbeceaeb14ef04d5286 done
#29 pushing layers for registry.fly.io/flybg:deployment-01JFMT03XSJESB08WBBGTGT131@sha256:a30503763ef2d47a82f7df8c4c2be1e3b3cbdd4cf4958460cf396e119c3ba7d6
#29 pushing layer sha256:8de2be7af59dea54d10c9f730015042899351977ced9fa2c1f0a16c7669cc0ab
#29 pushing layer sha256:4fbea6e3a177405f4499a05f040c7f5e9e658848f3ef761b2f8c1aed983b8be3
#29 pushing layer sha256:d95d3146820f60a2d3af67843fc20cf0a3fab0df2cbf0418071856d22338c1ca 0.1s done
#29 pushing layer sha256:7a19b800614a89607a5a7a8551dd98cce2a7518eed71adbeceaeb14ef04d5286
#29 pushing layer sha256:8f031c27397577e223e74c5d895457b77810568d2764473a8675fa6568207d71
#29 pushing layer sha256:759700526b7894aa9c150feb2ebfcd00cf06d2890df739e71555edcfd13669e3
#29 pushing layer sha256:1f9b6384f81a2446ed824a3684489ab783aeb2ad31e6cdcf46803a12f0f899d5
#29 pushing layers for registry.fly.io/flybg:deployment-01JFMT03XSJESB08WBBGTGT131@sha256:a30503763ef2d47a82f7df8c4c2be1e3b3cbdd4cf4958460cf396e119c3ba7d6 0.2s done
#29 pushing layer sha256:8de2be7af59dea54d10c9f730015042899351977ced9fa2c1f0a16c7669cc0ab 0.1s done
#29 pushing layer sha256:4fbea6e3a177405f4499a05f040c7f5e9e658848f3ef761b2f8c1aed983b8be3 0.2s done
#29 pushing layer sha256:7a19b800614a89607a5a7a8551dd98cce2a7518eed71adbeceaeb14ef04d5286 0.1s done
#29 pushing layer sha256:8f031c27397577e223e74c5d895457b77810568d2764473a8675fa6568207d71 0.1s done
#29 pushing layer sha256:759700526b7894aa9c150feb2ebfcd00cf06d2890df739e71555edcfd13669e3 0.2s done
#29 pushing layer sha256:1f9b6384f81a2446ed824a3684489ab783aeb2ad31e6cdcf46803a12f0f899d5 0.2s done
#29 pushing manifest for registry.fly.io/flybg:deployment-01JFMT03XSJESB08WBBGTGT131@sha256:a30503763ef2d47a82f7df8c4c2be1e3b3cbdd4cf4958460cf396e119c3ba7d6
#29 pushing manifest for registry.fly.io/flybg:deployment-01JFMT03XSJESB08WBBGTGT131@sha256:a30503763ef2d47a82f7df8c4c2be1e3b3cbdd4cf4958460cf396e119c3ba7d6 0.5s done
#29 DONE 0.7s
--> Build Summary:  (​)
--> Building image done
image: registry.fly.io/flybg:deployment-01JFMT03XSJESB08WBBGTGT131
image size: 50 MB

Watch your deployment at https://fly.io/apps/flybg/monitoring

Updating existing machines in 'flybg' with bluegreen strategy

Verifying if app can be safely deployed 

Creating green machines
  Created machine 6830314ad6d698 [app]
  Created machine 2867526ae42398 [app]
  Created machine d8d7252c2e0928 [app]
  Created machine 48edd3ea742148 [app]
  Created machine 2871327a06d278 [app]
  Created machine 2874227b655de8 [app]
  Created machine 080e749c135398 [app]
  Created machine d89de9eae497e8 [app]
  Created machine 683dde4c426998 [app]
  Created machine 32871562c77928 [app]
  Created machine d8d9365a2e3268 [app]
  Created machine 91857799b97428 [app]
  Created machine 148e2164b03538 [app]
  Created machine 148e477c2e2638 [app]
  Created machine 178150e1b2e618 [app]
  Created machine e286224f94d338 [app]
  Created machine 9080540cd572d8 [app]
  Created machine d8dd620a0e5928 [app]
  Created machine 6e82939bee1578 [app]
  Created machine 683dd91bd3d308 [app]
  Created machine d8dd79dce66578 [app]
  Created machine 2867540c922008 [app]
  Created machine 78156d9f099328 [app]
  Created machine 080121df269318 [app]
  Created machine 3287d95c623578 [app]
  Created machine 6e82746a073518 [app]
  Created machine 3d8d9356c6de28 [app]
  Created machine 2865995c9474d8 [app]
  Created machine 9185e0d1ad5d98 [app]
  Created machine 2865114c706e08 [app]
  Created machine e82d697c7e53e8 [app]
  Created machine 48e25d9a3d9638 [app]
  Created machine 784e4ddc290e08 [app]
  Created machine 32873e0a0d5d18 [app]
  Created machine 56836e9b099648 [app]

Waiting for all green machines to start
  Machine 080121df269318 [app] - started
  Machine 080e749c135398 [app] - started
  Machine 148e2164b03538 [app] - started
  Machine 148e477c2e2638 [app] - started
  Machine 178150e1b2e618 [app] - started
  Machine 2865114c706e08 [app] - started
  Machine 2865995c9474d8 [app] - started
  Machine 2867526ae42398 [app] - started
  Machine 2867540c922008 [app] - started
  Machine 2871327a06d278 [app] - started
  Machine 2874227b655de8 [app] - started
  Machine 32871562c77928 [app] - started
  Machine 32873e0a0d5d18 [app] - started
  Machine 3287d95c623578 [app] - started
  Machine 3d8d9356c6de28 [app] - started
  Machine 48e25d9a3d9638 [app] - started
  Machine 48edd3ea742148 [app] - started
  Machine 56836e9b099648 [app] - started
  Machine 6830314ad6d698 [app] - started
  Machine 683dd91bd3d308 [app] - started
  Machine 683dde4c426998 [app] - started
  Machine 6e82746a073518 [app] - started
  Machine 6e82939bee1578 [app] - started
  Machine 78156d9f099328 [app] - started
  Machine 784e4ddc290e08 [app] - started
  Machine 9080540cd572d8 [app] - started
  Machine 91857799b97428 [app] - started
  Machine 9185e0d1ad5d98 [app] - started
  Machine d89de9eae497e8 [app] - started
  Machine d8d7252c2e0928 [app] - started
  Machine d8d9365a2e3268 [app] - started
  Machine d8dd620a0e5928 [app] - started
  Machine d8dd79dce66578 [app] - started
  Machine e286224f94d338 [app] - started
  Machine e82d697c7e53e8 [app] - started

Waiting for all green machines to be healthy
  Machine 080121df269318 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 080e749c135398 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 148e2164b03538 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 148e477c2e2638 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 178150e1b2e618 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 2865114c706e08 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 2865995c9474d8 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 2867526ae42398 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 2867540c922008 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 2871327a06d278 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 2874227b655de8 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 32871562c77928 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 32873e0a0d5d18 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 3287d95c623578 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 3d8d9356c6de28 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 48e25d9a3d9638 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 48edd3ea742148 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 56836e9b099648 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 6830314ad6d698 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 683dd91bd3d308 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 683dde4c426998 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 6e82746a073518 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 6e82939bee1578 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 78156d9f099328 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 784e4ddc290e08 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 9080540cd572d8 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 91857799b97428 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine 9185e0d1ad5d98 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine d89de9eae497e8 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine d8d7252c2e0928 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine d8d9365a2e3268 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine d8dd620a0e5928 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine d8dd79dce66578 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine e286224f94d338 [app] - 1/1 passing
  Machine e82d697c7e53e8 [app] - 1/1 passing

Marking green machines as ready
  Machine 2871327a06d278 [app] now ready
  Machine 6830314ad6d698 [app] now ready
  Machine 2874227b655de8 [app] now ready
  Machine d89de9eae497e8 [app] now ready
  Machine 080e749c135398 [app] now ready
  Machine d8d7252c2e0928 [app] now ready
  Machine 2867526ae42398 [app] now ready
  Machine 683dde4c426998 [app] now ready
  Machine d8d9365a2e3268 [app] now ready
  Machine 32871562c77928 [app] now ready
  Machine 48edd3ea742148 [app] now ready
  Machine 148e2164b03538 [app] now ready
  Machine 178150e1b2e618 [app] now ready
  Machine 91857799b97428 [app] now ready
  Machine e286224f94d338 [app] now ready
  Machine d8dd620a0e5928 [app] now ready
  Machine 6e82939bee1578 [app] now ready
  Machine 9080540cd572d8 [app] now ready
  Machine 683dd91bd3d308 [app] now ready
  Machine 78156d9f099328 [app] now ready
  Machine 080121df269318 [app] now ready
  Machine 3287d95c623578 [app] now ready
  Machine 2867540c922008 [app] now ready
  Machine d8dd79dce66578 [app] now ready
  Machine 6e82746a073518 [app] now ready
  Machine 3d8d9356c6de28 [app] now ready
  Machine 9185e0d1ad5d98 [app] now ready
  Machine 2865114c706e08 [app] now ready
  Machine 48e25d9a3d9638 [app] now ready
  Machine 2865995c9474d8 [app] now ready
  Machine 148e477c2e2638 [app] now ready
  Machine 784e4ddc290e08 [app] now ready
  Machine e82d697c7e53e8 [app] now ready
  Machine 32873e0a0d5d18 [app] now ready
  Machine 56836e9b099648 [app] now ready

Checkpointing deployment, this may take a few seconds...

Waiting before cordoning all blue machines
  Machine 185ee22c560358 [app] cordoned
  Machine 1781327c176018 [app] cordoned
  Machine 48eddeef774538 [app] cordoned
  Machine 78159edc951728 [app] cordoned
  Machine 0801694f101578 [app] cordoned
  Machine 28669d9a7e66d8 [app] cordoned
  Machine d8d7646b1267d8 [app] cordoned
  Machine 28749d3c4362d8 [app] cordoned
  Machine 6830de3a749078 [app] cordoned
  Machine e28673e6b06d78 [app] cordoned
  Machine e82d73db6e0118 [app] cordoned
  Machine 080ee2df69d538 [app] cordoned
  Machine 56830d50f64168 [app] cordoned
  Machine 56830642a63578 [app] cordoned
  Machine 683dd97c75e778 [app] cordoned
  Machine 1857460a4d0ee8 [app] cordoned
  Machine e784974fe75768 [app] cordoned
  Machine d890263f265028 [app] cordoned
  Machine d891241f350398 [app] cordoned
  Machine 5683945b243218 [app] cordoned
  Machine d89116db2d3168 [app] cordoned
  Machine 080193db06e0d8 [app] cordoned
  Machine 28714d6a625568 [app] cordoned
  Machine 3d8de54a220008 [app] cordoned
  Machine e825250b374318 [app] cordoned
  Machine d8dd764b103d58 [app] cordoned
  Machine 2865012c941698 [app] cordoned
  Machine 68303d0c7332d8 [app] cordoned
  Machine e286369b7e4148 [app] cordoned
  Machine e7843756a57758 [app] cordoned
  Machine 08016e9f10e448 [app] cordoned
  Machine 784e11efe64618 [app] cordoned
  Machine 2867651aee7258 [app] cordoned
  Machine e82de11b751248 [app] cordoned
  Machine 683d441bde6748 [app] cordoned

Waiting before stopping all blue machines

Stopping all blue machines

Waiting for all blue machines to stop
  Machine 0801694f101578 [app] - stopped
  Machine 08016e9f10e448 [app] - stopped
  Machine 080193db06e0d8 [app] - stopped
  Machine 080ee2df69d538 [app] - stopped
  Machine 1781327c176018 [app] - stopped
  Machine 1857460a4d0ee8 [app] - stopped
  Machine 185ee22c560358 [app] - stopped
  Machine 2865012c941698 [app] - stopped
  Machine 28669d9a7e66d8 [app] - stopped
  Machine 2867651aee7258 [app] - stopped
  Machine 28714d6a625568 [app] - stopped
  Machine 28749d3c4362d8 [app] - stopped
  Machine 3d8de54a220008 [app] - stopped
  Machine 48eddeef774538 [app] - stopped
  Machine 56830642a63578 [app] - stopped
  Machine 56830d50f64168 [app] - stopped
  Machine 5683945b243218 [app] - stopped
  Machine 68303d0c7332d8 [app] - stopped
  Machine 6830de3a749078 [app] - stopped
  Machine 683d441bde6748 [app] - stopped
  Machine 683dd97c75e778 [app] - stopped
  Machine 78159edc951728 [app] - stopped
  Machine 784e11efe64618 [app] - stopped
  Machine d890263f265028 [app] - stopped
  Machine d89116db2d3168 [app] - stopped
  Machine d891241f350398 [app] - stopped
  Machine d8d7646b1267d8 [app] - stopped
  Machine d8dd764b103d58 [app] - stopped
  Machine e286369b7e4148 [app] - stopped
  Machine e28673e6b06d78 [app] - stopped
  Machine e7843756a57758 [app] - stopped
  Machine e784974fe75768 [app] - stopped
  Machine e825250b374318 [app] - stopped
  Machine e82d73db6e0118 [app] - stopped
  Machine e82de11b751248 [app] - stopped

Destroying all blue machines
WARN error refreshing lease for machine 0801694f101578: failed to get lease on VM 0801694f101578: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 1781327c176018: failed to get lease on VM 1781327c176018: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 78159edc951728: failed to get lease on VM 78159edc951728: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 48eddeef774538: failed to get lease on VM 48eddeef774538: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 28669d9a7e66d8: failed to get lease on VM 28669d9a7e66d8: machine not found

  Machine 6830de3a749078 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine 6830de3a749078: failed to get lease on VM 6830de3a749078: machine not found

  Machine 28669d9a7e66d8 [app] destroyed
  Machine 48eddeef774538 [app] destroyed
  Machine 080ee2df69d538 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine d890263f265028: failed to get lease on VM d890263f265028: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 080ee2df69d538: failed to get lease on VM 080ee2df69d538: machine not found

  Machine 28749d3c4362d8 [app] destroyed
  Machine 56830642a63578 [app] destroyed
  Machine 0801694f101578 [app] destroyed
  Machine 1781327c176018 [app] destroyed
  Machine d890263f265028 [app] destroyed
  Machine d8d7646b1267d8 [app] destroyed
  Machine e28673e6b06d78 [app] destroyed
  Machine 56830d50f64168 [app] destroyed
  Machine 78159edc951728 [app] destroyed
  Machine 1857460a4d0ee8 [app] destroyed
  Machine e784974fe75768 [app] destroyed
  Machine 185ee22c560358 [app] destroyed
  Machine e82d73db6e0118 [app] destroyed
  Machine 683dd97c75e778 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine 185ee22c560358: failed to get lease on VM 185ee22c560358: machine not found

  Machine d8dd764b103d58 [app] destroyed
  Machine 080193db06e0d8 [app] destroyed
  Machine 3d8de54a220008 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine 0801694f101578: failed to get lease on VM 0801694f101578: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 1781327c176018: failed to get lease on VM 1781327c176018: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 78159edc951728: failed to get lease on VM 78159edc951728: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine d8d7646b1267d8: failed to get lease on VM d8d7646b1267d8: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 28749d3c4362d8: failed to get lease on VM 28749d3c4362d8: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 48eddeef774538: failed to get lease on VM 48eddeef774538: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 28669d9a7e66d8: failed to get lease on VM 28669d9a7e66d8: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine e28673e6b06d78: failed to get lease on VM e28673e6b06d78: machine not found

  Machine d89116db2d3168 [app] destroyed
  Machine 28714d6a625568 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine e82d73db6e0118: failed to get lease on VM e82d73db6e0118: machine not found

  Machine d891241f350398 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine 6830de3a749078: failed to get lease on VM 6830de3a749078: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 56830d50f64168: failed to get lease on VM 56830d50f64168: machine not found

  Machine 5683945b243218 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine e784974fe75768: failed to get lease on VM e784974fe75768: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 56830642a63578: failed to get lease on VM 56830642a63578: machine not found

  Machine e825250b374318 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine 1857460a4d0ee8: failed to get lease on VM 1857460a4d0ee8: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 683dd97c75e778: failed to get lease on VM 683dd97c75e778: machine not found

  Machine 2865012c941698 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine d890263f265028: failed to get lease on VM d890263f265028: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 080ee2df69d538: failed to get lease on VM 080ee2df69d538: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine d891241f350398: failed to get lease on VM d891241f350398: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 28714d6a625568: failed to get lease on VM 28714d6a625568: machine not found

  Machine 68303d0c7332d8 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine 5683945b243218: failed to get lease on VM 5683945b243218: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 080193db06e0d8: failed to get lease on VM 080193db06e0d8: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine d8dd764b103d58: failed to get lease on VM d8dd764b103d58: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine e825250b374318: failed to get lease on VM e825250b374318: machine not found

  Machine 2867651aee7258 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine e286369b7e4148: failed to get lease on VM e286369b7e4148: machine not found

  Machine e7843756a57758 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine d89116db2d3168: failed to get lease on VM d89116db2d3168: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 2865012c941698: failed to get lease on VM 2865012c941698: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 3d8de54a220008: failed to get lease on VM 3d8de54a220008: machine not found

  Machine e286369b7e4148 [app] destroyed
  Machine 784e11efe64618 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine e7843756a57758: failed to get lease on VM e7843756a57758: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 68303d0c7332d8: failed to get lease on VM 68303d0c7332d8: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 784e11efe64618: failed to get lease on VM 784e11efe64618: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine e82de11b751248: failed to get lease on VM e82de11b751248: machine not found

  Machine 683d441bde6748 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine 683d441bde6748: failed to get lease on VM 683d441bde6748: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 185ee22c560358: failed to get lease on VM 185ee22c560358: machine not found

WARN error refreshing lease for machine 08016e9f10e448: failed to get lease on VM 08016e9f10e448: machine not found

  Machine 08016e9f10e448 [app] destroyed
WARN error refreshing lease for machine 0801694f101578: failed to get lease on VM 0801694f101578: machine not found

  Machine e82de11b751248 [app] destroyed

Deployment Complete
WARN error refreshing lease for machine 2867651aee7258: failed to get lease on VM 2867651aee7258: machine not found

Checking DNS configuration for flybg.fly.dev

Visit your newly deployed app at https://flybg.fly.dev/